(Ndi Ichie)

Ancestors are our elderly spiritual fathers and mothers in the kindred that lived genuine lifestyle during their own generation, they know much about the spiritual futures of every created individual in the kindred .

Every kindred in the world has ancestors and ancestors consist of old male and old female ( ndi okenye na umuada), they are like our spiritual father and mother in every created kindred, a kindred without ancestors is like a family without parents .

Ancestors have their subordinate spirits that attached to them, the subordinate spirits are called Ancestral deities ,

The deities are Udo , Ogwugwu , Ngene , Ngwu , Akpu , Orji , Akwali omumu (oda), Ana mbala, Agwu ndichie and Aro ndichie,

These are Ancestral deities that control every created kindred and every kindred on earth has the mentioned deities,

During the ancestral sacrifice, every of their deities must be mentioned and if those ancestral deities are not mentioned, such sacrifice will be rejected because they have subordinates , they are not alone .

In any kindred , there is a particular family where the ancestors with their subordinate deities will be installed , it is called Ancestral Depot (Obu ndichie), in that family is where they will select their staff bearer (aka ji ofor ndichie) and the lineage of that family must maintain the title of ancestral staff bearer.

In some families , those that suppose to take proper care of the ancestral depot( obu ndichie) dumped it, even some destroyed their own to join Christianity, that has caused the spiritual problem we are facing today where everybody is in the bondage of ancestral curse .

Ancestral curse has caused a lot of problems in some kindred today, a lot have died, some families are nothing to write home about that most of their children are struggling to survive even with their educational background, still they can’t make it .

Destroying ancestors is very bad and it affects the futures of the generation , if your faith is against your ancestors and ancestral spirits , please leave them never dare to destroy any of the deities , those that will take care of them will surface because destroying them will tarnish the futures of the generation and even cause sudden deaths among the children .

Ancestors are not evil as born again Christians people see them , they are there to bless and protect those that remember them because they are like our spiritual parents ( maka na nwata cheta ndichie , ife ofuru abiara ya )


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