According to history, the indigenous people of Effium have been a host to the Ezza people for many years

Effuim is a community in the Ohaukwu local government area of Ebony state.

According to history, the indigenous people of Effium have been a host to the Ezza people for many years.

The Ezza people were said to have migrated from Ezza North and Ezza South in 1909 without any official invitation from the indigenous people of Effuim.

The Effium people who were known for their hospitality welcomed and accepted them.

The Ezza people, according to the Effuim people, were given a portion of land for their farming and to make their homes.

The Effuim people referred to the Ezza people as ‘Uja we ebebe’ which translates to ‘back yard Ezza’

This was because the ancestors of Effuim only allowed Ezza to build their homes at their backyards,

Because in those days, the Ezza people had a strong smell which the Effuim people considered offensive.

The Ezza people began inviting many of their family members from Ezza North and South, getting married and multiplying in number.

The Effuim ancestors did not consider this as a threat.

But a time came, when the Ezza people out numbered the real owners of the land.

They ended up calling themselves ‘Ezza – Effuim’

The Effuim people saw this as one of the domineering part of their Ezza migrants.

The Ezza people demanded for equal rites, this led to physical attacks from the Effuim people who would not want to have their land and rites shared amongst strangers.

The Ezza are rumoured to be a people who gets whatsoever they desire at any cost, including bl.oodshed.

The Effuim people by all means wants their Ezza resident to leave their land and go back to where their ancestors migrated from.

But this is late, and impossible.

The Ezza people has no home asides their Effuim home which was allocated to their ancestors since 1909.

The Effuim people warns that their Ezza resident stops interfering in their cultural and traditional rites.

It is an unverified rumour that the Ezza people always out numbers their hosts and tends to for supremacy at the long run.

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