What the shark and your vagina have in common


Believe it or not, sharks and human vaginas share a surprising connection

Okay, this might sound like the start of a bad joke, but hear us out. There’s actually a fascinating scientific fact that connects the shark and your vagina – a substance called squalene (pronounced “skwah-leen”).

What is this substance?

About squalene

Squalene is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon, that is, a molecule made mostly of carbon and hydrogen. It’s found in high concentrations in the livers of sharks, but it’s also present in smaller amounts in other animals, including humans. It’s a key component of human sebum, an oily substance produced by our skin glands. But here’s the interesting part: squalene plays a role in vaginal lubrication, a vital aspect of women’s reproductive health.

Squalene and your vagina

Now, let’s shift gears and talk about your vagina. Squalene is a component of healthy vaginal lubrication. The walls of your vagina contain glands that produce a lubricating fluid. This fluid helps with sexual intercourse, reducing friction and discomfort. Squalene is one of the key ingredients in this lubrication, along with other substances like water and mucus.

What the shark and your vagina have in common

So, does this mean your vagina smells like a shark?

Absolutely not! Squalene is just one component of vaginal lubrication, and it doesn’t have a strong odour. The unique scent of your vagina is influenced by a combination of factors like hormones, bacteria, and diet.

Why squalene matters

The presence of squalene in vaginal lubrication is vital for a healthy sex life. Here’s why:

  • Reduced friction: Squalene acts as a lubricant, making penetration during sex smoother and more comfortable.

  • Moisture balance: It helps maintain a healthy moisture balance in the vagina, which is crucial for preventing irritation and discomfort.

  • Natural antibacterial properties: Some studies suggest squalene may have mild antibacterial properties, potentially contributing to a healthy vaginal environment.

Squalene and your health

Squalene offers benefits beyond vaginal health. Here are some additional perks:

What the shark and your vagina have in common

Is more squalene always better?

While squalene is essential for vaginal health, it’s important to remember that your body naturally produces it. Douching or using excessive vaginal cleansers can disrupt this natural balance and potentially lead to dryness and irritation.

Interesting squalene facts

Here are some fun facts about squalene to keep in mind:

  • Squalene can be derived from plant sources like olives, but shark-derived squalene was historically more common. However, due to concerns about overfishing, plant-based squalene is becoming increasingly popular.

  • Squalene is also found in some deep-sea fish and even in some plants like olives and amaranth.

  • Squalene has various industrial uses, including in cosmetics, dietary supplements, and even as an adjuvant (a substance that helps vaccines work more effectively).

The shared presence of squalene in sharks and human vaginas is a quirky fact that showcases the wonders of nature. It might seem like an odd comparison, but it highlights the ways our bodies work to maintain health.

So, the next time you see a shark documentary, you can appreciate this amazing creature not just for its power and grace, but also for its connection to your sexual health.

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